The 40-year-old television program “Family Feud” has created some hilarious moments, such as the time a competitor blurted out an answer that made Steve Harvey cry (see the video below). Most people wouldn’t realize that “Family Feud” is one of the funniest shows on television.

“Name a part of your body that’s bigger than it was when you were sixteen,” Harvey asked the competitor. Such a loaded question is sure to elicit a colorful response, and it did. “Your penis” was the contender Secily’s immediate response.

Harvey fell silent for a few seconds after she said that, and then Secily covered her face with her hands in shame. Harvey took a knee as they both chuckled.

As Secily noted, “I used the medical terminology.”

In response, Harvey joked: “A medical phrase is nearly worse! “Your ‘ding-a-ling,’ something, would have been the least appropriate slang term.”

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